Obituary of Kate Moran
This is not a death notice. This is a life notice, a testimonial, a celebration of the earthly life of Kate the Great, AKA Kate Kelly Moran, and to share the impact she had on those who were fortunate enough to know her; to love and be loved by her.
Everything about Kate was contagious- her laughter, joy, humor, love, mischievousness, kindness, forgiveness. When she broke out in an impromptu dance, you danced with her. You knew your birthday party was going to be punctuated by “Dundundundundundun, da dun… you say it’s your BIRTHDAY!” Kate’s unique rendition included both vocal guitar and lyrics.
If you were especially lucky you earned a unique nickname; KTG’s version of knighting you. Sooner or later, you were going to hear that nickname yelled by the absolute loudest voice in the audience or crowd, cheering you on in her unique KTG way, to your delighted mortification.
When her family faced difficult times, she reminded all of the family motto, “We Shine in Darkness.” Where a ray of light can pierce the darkness, Kate was incandescent. Nobody could dim her light. She was a treasured confidante, the Cool Aunt Supreme, the consummate friend, fierce defender of loved ones and strangers. In one parking lot, Kate could beat a challenger and zip into a parking spot while simultaneously seeing the elderly person at the other end of the lot, struggling with packages, and be there in a flash to help.
Her time on earth would always have been too short for those who remain. We had the gift of Kate. Kate’s incandescent light shot from her earthly cocoon straight to a joyous celestial reunion with so many she loved who have gone on ahead, undoubtedly led by her beloved mother, Big Mare. She’ll be there waiting for her beloved husband, Michael, and adored children, Kelly Faith and Michael, her cherished Kelly’s and Moran’s, and a plethora of treasured friends. You’ll know the party is starting when you hear …”dundundun…da dun..”
Gather to share your Kate stories on Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 2:00-5:00 PM at the Wakelee Funeral Home, 167 Wakelee Ave, Ansonia, CT. Online condolences may be made at